A New Terminal Building for Lee Bird Field
The North Platte Airport Authority intends to enhance the customer experience and drive economic development opportunities to western Nebraska by constructing a new passenger terminal at the North Platte Regional Airport. The airport serves a vital role in rural Nebraska's economy as the only primary airport within its 14,000 square mile, 15 county service area. It supports recent, local economic development successes including ongoing construction of a 500,000 square foot beef processing facility near the airport, bringing an estimated 875 jobs to North Platte, and a proposed 300-acre rail park in nearby Hershey, NE. The project is intended to become a source of pride for the North Platte community, creating a modern landmark in western Nebraska.
The existing terminal is dated and space constrained, unable to provide an acceptable level of service for current and forecasted demand. The existing terminal was constructed in 1952 and was designed for pre-9/11 traveler behavior with "50 seats for 50 passengers" in the secure hold room with little space for luggage and amenities. The addition of jet bridge boarding, modern restrooms, natural light, and food and beverage service post-security will meet today's airport user expectations.
The airport is pursuing a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification for the new terminal, which will feature modern, energy efficient building systems, a mass timber structure, and cross-laminated timber roofing leading to reduced embodied carbon compared to steel construction. The project includes capturing, storing, and re-using stormwater runoff to satisfy non-potable water demand, photovoltaic skylight glass to provide renewable energy for building systems, and a Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) geothermal heating and cooling system to reduce energy demand. In addition, the terminal parking lot will feature multi-modal space for local public transit service, rideshare, and electric vehicle charging stations.
Finally, the existing terminal building has several accessibility shortcomings that will be addressed with the new facility. The new terminal will exceed minimum ADA standards and feature a boarding bridge, code compliant restrooms, a mother’s room, and accommodations for service animals to provide equitable access for all travelers.
Project benefits include:
Enhanced customer experience as the “front door” to North Platte and western Nebraska, supporting economic development and business opportunities
Reduced carbon footprint compared to existing facility with mass timber structure, solar and geothermal energy systems, stormwater re-use, and accommodations for public transit and electric vehicles
Inclusive design addressing accessibility concerns at the existing terminal and providing equitable access for all travelers
Project Schedule
The Airport Authority intends to begin construction in the summer months of 2024, with targeted completion in fall 2025. The current terminal facility will remain operational during construction, resulting in minimal impact to the traveling public.
Stakeholder Engagement Workshop
The Airport Authority hosted a Stakeholder Engagement Workshop for the terminal project at the airport on Tuesday, July 11th, 2023. This event provided an opportunity for airport users and community stakeholders to learn about the project and provide feedback to the Airport Authority, airport staff, and the design team. Access the handout and terminal renderings presented at the Workshop using the buttons below, and leave your comments and feedback using the form at the bottom of this page.
Did You Know?
In 2019, the Nebraska Aviation Counts! Economic Impact Study estimated that the North Platte Regional Airport enables 1,397 jobs in the community, welcomes 14,385 visitors to the region each year, and generates approximately $155 million in direct, indirect, and induced annual economic impacts.
The North Platte – New Places project intends to elevate the airport’s impact by enhancing the customer experience for business and leisure travelers, supporting local economic development initiatives, and strengthening connectivity by offering modern facilities to our airline partners.

Comments or Questions
Let us know your thoughts about the North Platte – New Places new terminal building project by filling out the comment form below. Your contact information will only be used to record comments.